Hey all,
We're building a global community bridging 3D artists with visually impaired people and the whole traditional art world. The Unseen Art project is creating a new opportunity for blind and visually impaired people to experience art. We are involving people from all over the world to re-create classical art paintings in 3D so that they may be touched and felt, both in exhibitions and in people's homes. 3D models of the paintings are open source and printable anywhere in the world where there's access to a 3D printer. Creating equal access for art globally is our passion and goal.
As a first proof of concept, Caroline Delen (UK) converted Mona Lisa to 3D and we're now looking for more 3d artists to join us and create 3d-printable models of classical paintings for others to enjoy.
Which brings us to you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to:
1. Choose a painting that you like. One that has a special meaning to you or has touched you in a deeper level. Or maybe just looks cool. Or just because.
2. Make a 3D-printable model of it. Sculpt or polygon-model you heart out - you have the freedom to interpret it into the third dimension as you wish. It is art after all.
3. Upload your model for us to distribute it to the global Unseen Art community.
4. Enjoy the feeling of giving another human being the possibility to touch - and be touched by - the art that has touched you.
Be one of those living today, who help the works of the yesterday's masters to live a new life in the minds of the future generations. Email me at aarne.harju@unseenart.org for more info.
Interpreting the paintings won't be easy, it's actually really hard. You'll need an excellent eye and very high technical skills to pull it off. But it'll be a challenge that grows you as an artist and you will feel good in the end, I promise

Here's a few videos to give you more info about the project:
Thank you for your time,
Aarne Harju