Below is a tree i've sculpted a high poly off. Now i'm just trying to find out a way to try and get some detail on the tree as well as texturing it at the same time. I've used spotlight and using zAdd and RGB to try and get a good effect but it still doesn't look correct. I've looked around for some ideas but can't really find a good workflow as i've not really done this stuff before. Any feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated
The tree itself doesn't have much detail in the way off the form, I thought i'd try and get that from the image in spotlight.
Try and create a bumpmap using your above texture (bring out the highilghts and shadows) and polypaint the mesh. Then you can mask by texture, and you can use that to sculpt in your details. Remember, try get large, medium, and micro details for a nice balance, so its not too visually noisy or too boring.
Remember, try get large, medium, and micro details for a nice balance, so its not too visually noisy or too boring.