Hello guys! I'm just starting to learn digital painting and seeking to improve myself. To make things easier here are some of my latest works:

Here are what I currently aiming for:
Artist: Gliulian

I would love to improve the usage of color and I would love to do colorful pieces like this in the future.
Artist: Night Watch Art

My instructor said that my works are still simple. I would love to find out how to make my works more interesting. I can see that the skeleton overall doesn't have that much of accessories yet it still looks captivating, while for the archer I tried to add more detail yet it hasn't been improved much.
I also have a question: When I do master study on value, color, poses,etc. How to prevent the study from become plain copy? What should I concentrate on? Should I concentrate on finishing the study?
I don't know a lot of things so If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me
I always aim my studies to a blunt copy, but they never finish to be one.