I have spent most of my time over the past 4 years learning about 3D artwork, specifically video game artwork, so have neglected CG work until now despite it being something I would like to get into.
I took my college Final Major Project as an opportunity to create my first full CG environment for animation, which is going quite well, except the walls.
The biggest issue I have (which can be seen on the right in the screenshots below) is that the edges of the wall where the faces meet, it looks very flat and sharp, but I am unsure of how to correct this.
I am in no huge rush for any of this, as I have until April to finish it, but with other units to complete as well, I would rather get this kind of stuff out of the way and work out how to do it.
My initial thought was to manually model some bricks and place them in the corners, but UV unwrapping them on my texture proved to be more than a little annoying and time consuming for a not very desirable effect.