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"Grow the Bold" 3d Animated Short

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Hi everyone,

I am an aspiring filmmaker and animator from the Boston area and I just developed a 30-second animated short for a contest and I would love some feedback and support. Here’s the link to the video:


I created this animation from scratch during nights and weekends over the last few months, using Maya, After Effects, and Photoshop. It's for the Crash the Super Bowl Doritos contest, where filmmakers can create a 30-second commercial for Doritos. Honestly, I’m not really looking to win the contest, but to use this as an opportunity to get my work/name out there and to gain some more exposure as an 3d animator. I am really interested in what you guys have to say. I’d love some feedback from my fellow animators and artists. And I’d also love some support from my fellow animators on this contest—especially since so few of them are even animated. Thanks so much!



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