I know a lot of attention is moving to other engines, but I've still been actively involved in keeping Wall Worm updated. It's hard to believe it's been developed for five years now.
Polycount was the first site I shared news of Wall Worm initially. So I wanted to share the news of today with everyone here. I wrote a little post on the history of Wall Worm development and am having a 30% off sale of the commercial plugins for Wall Worm and 3ds Max. The store promo code is 5yearsale and goes through tomorrow.
WW has come a long way and a lot of the motivation has come from the creativity of the community. Thank you
Below are some videos of building a level for Source inside Max (instead of Hammer). I haven't had time to actually finish the level as I've been pre-occupied with some other work and projects right now, but maybe the videos will help some Source level designers or teams who are wanting to explore some more creative environments and workflows. Enjoy some music by my brother in these.