So I started a little side project, next to school. The idea is to make a market in the medieval setting. To improve my skills as a 3D artist.
atm I will only upload printscreens because I want to learn how te setup an envoirment in unreal engine but I still want to share my proggres. Mostly for feedback and tips
Don't hold back.
what do I want to learn next to that, hardsurface modeling/zbrush. Making good textures/uv's. everything that is need to become a good artist.
So what do you guy's recommend for texturing or just getting better at making good assets/moddels/envoirments.
atm I use:
what do you guys reccomend for me?
Zbrush, substance designer/painter, ndo, unreal engine?
screen:1 In unity
Other than that, I like where this is headed. If you're serious about being a 3d artist for PBR props, zbrush is a standard, and you'll want other 3d applications too, such as maya, 3ds max, modo, and texturing software as well, such as bitmap2material, substance designer, 3d coat, and of course photoshop.
I didn't really make use of the bevel tool, How should I use the tool in the best way, 1 bevel for most edges and for the normal maps just make like 6 or so? I upscale the props/models in unity by 100 does that even matter?
And than I'm going to focus on expanding my zbrush skills, and learn bitmap and substance designer. Thanks for the feedback and info.
Let us know if you have questions.
Some great reference for PBR:
thanks for the tip, I will try some of that stuff out when I have time again .