Hello there
I am head of games at Escape Studios in London and I have am MA in game art starting this January.
I am buying games for our library so we can review art work etc. I thought it would be a fun and easy task but has turned out to be far more difficult than I first thought. I am the kind of person that can never make their mind up at a restaurant and this is far worse.
We will have most formats to play, The remit is best looking games in their genre for
Wii U
Ipad / mobile
I was wondering if any one could offer suggestions on what they think are the best looking games / essential titles for students to review
The list so far that we have been mulling over, in no order ( and which just shows my bias)
The Order
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
The last of us
Monument Valley
master chief collection
The Room 3
Some example of Mario ???
SKYRIM ( best game everrrrr )
Tomb Raider
Ori and the blind forest
Cheers for any ideas
Transistor (Mobile) - Dipping into art traditions outside of videogames and adapting them into an unlikely setting.
Team Fortress 2 (PC) - Masterclass in team and classed based gameplay design.
SimCity 5 (PC) - Excellent use of post processing to get a lot of mileage out of their relatively simple art assets.
Guilty Gear Xrd (PS4) - Very good approximation of traditional animation in realtime 3D, with a unique art pipeline.
Yoshi's Wooly World (Wii U) - Soft, cuddly aesthetic pushed to the extreme.
You might also want to look into CupHead and the new Ratchet & Clank game once they're released. The former is using some very novel approaches to animation, and the later is sharing a lot of assets between the game and feature film.
Awesome cartoon aesthetics, the characters are well animated etc.
Anyways for WiiU, You should check out the design blogs for Bayonetta 2
Their whole blog is really interesting and they even go in depth with storyboarding, music, cinematic directing, AI controls and ect.
Perhaps not the prettiest game, but one that I really enjoy the aesthetic for is Asura's Wrath
Also something not commonly tackled as others, but water visualizations have certainly evolved past having simple looped normal-mapped planes for water. World of Warships has some nice dynamics in theirs,
Not really a game but there's NVIdia Waveworks as an implementation for water visualizations:
As well as the interesting PhysX Flex solution:
Thanks all
I have just watched the break down of the art pipeline for GuiltyGear, I was at GDC this year and missed the talk .