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ridley075 art

polycounter lvl 10
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ridley075 polycounter lvl 10
I hope to keep this forum updated with my personal work as time goes. I haven't finished a personal project in a while, but I hope to finish this guy since I've been working on him for an hour a day at work during lunches for about a month now. 

Concept is from Jake Gumbleton https://www.artstation.com/artwork/18z9e 
I've got most of the large forms built in now, although I just found the line drawing of this guy so I'll have to redo the pouches on his hips and the clasp on the armor on the abdomen. Also, the hair is just placeholder, I'll probably swap it out for cards once I bake him down to a lowpoly. Now I'm looking for some feedback on general forms and proportions as well as a sanity check to make sure everything looks like it would work.

Again, I'm only working on this guy at work during my lunches about an hour a day, so it'll be slow going, but I hope to show some other stuff I've been working on at home soon as well. Thanks for all the help!


  • ridley075
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    ridley075 polycounter lvl 10
    Here's the other character I'm working on at home. Just a block in as well. Concept: http://ae-rie.deviantart.com/art/The-Collector-498412043

    Still working on the other character at work. Started refining the sculpt. 
  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    For the first character, I like where it's going; but you might find it helpful to rough-sculpt the armour all out in dynamesh first to make sure the silhouette is how you want it, using clay tubes/clay buildup + dam_standard brush, and then use extraction to 'pull' out different segments of the armour. Using a lot of subtools in the beginning can be tough to manage, feel disjointed, and could be more difficult to achieve that 'flow' from one piece of the armour to the next.

    Hope that helps!
  • ridley075
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    ridley075 polycounter lvl 10
    Still working on this guy... been a while since an update I know. I feel like I'm just about done with the highpoly. The small micro details I might put in at the end, or just leave them out, still not 100% sure what style of texturing I want to do this guy in. What do you guys think? Once area I'm concerned about is the back, where the cloth skirt thing meets the armor above it, might add a belt there to hide the weird transition. And add a bit more folds to the fabric. I redid the hair to be more sculpted.... still don't know about it though lol. 

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