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Answered: 1 Pixel Mask

polycounter lvl 7
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Utility polycounter lvl 7
For some reason, when I try to modify the mask of any layer, it opens as 1x1 pixels. I've never had this problem before, and it literally just started this morning. I can't find a workaround, and it's super crucial to the step I'm in in my workflow. Any help would be appreciated.

I could take a screenshot, but it's not gonna show much.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Check your PMs whenever you get a chance, Utility. :smile: 
  • donofdon
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    donofdon polycounter lvl 2
    Why not put it the answer here for everyone else to see? I have the same problem and a google search brought me here
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    What version of Quixel SUITE are you using, Donofdon? The answer I gave him was a beta invitation back in November to see if he could replicate this issue in the SUITE 2.0 pre-release. 
  • donofdon
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    donofdon polycounter lvl 2
    Hi, I should have mentioned I'm right up to date with the very latest. There are a few of us at work using it and i'm the only one having an issue.
    For further description..I have nothing too fancy going on. its a fairly basic setup so far, got a handful of smart materials generated via mat IDs i'm wanting to go through and add some unique work too.
    I was picking up from where I left off the day before so I was loading the project backup, adding a new material within one of my groups and wanted to generate a mask from scratch but it just goes to 1x1. 
    if Colour Settings in photoshop are messed about with, can Quixel start to be funny? We have an inhouse tool that alters some of the settings. could there be connection the gray workspace and the mask psd?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Potentially - what I would consider doing is first attempting a clean install of the SUITE. If that fails, try reinstalling Photoshop. If no one else is having the issue, it's likely related to the install.
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