LATEST: Model swap submitted!

Unfortunately I had to resubmit to the Steam workshop to make sure the tags showed up correctly for the contest and forgot to update the link on the final submission thread

The correct link is here: Again, had fun doing this contest and learned some new stuff.
Spent the last week doing up some concepts, now I feel like I have something solid enough to start with including some base colours. The blade may look a bit chunky at the moment but that's something I'll be able to address in 3D.

I really like that i looks less heavy than in your concept image.
( This makes me feel bad about my own design tho )
keep up the good work
WIP: tried a few different blades shapes near the top to give the weapon a sharper feel.
Ended up curving the points a bit, which I think I like:
Finally got the low poly into the Tenno Steam editor thing! Just experimenting with colours at the moment. I've never used alpha channels in this way before, it's really interesting so far. I think I'm going to keep a dual-tone colour scheme for the weapon.
So, I rebaked the normals with different smoothing and removed some pieces from the high poly that I felt were creating unnecessary noise in the texture. Still have that normal map shading issue as above, but that aside here's an update for on colours:
Steam workshop thread: