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Maya Isolate, Viewport 2 and legacy

polycounter lvl 9
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Daew polycounter lvl 9
Hey polycount,
So ive recently been using maya 2016 and came from 2014.
I dont remember this ever happening but now in Maya if I have a mesh isolate selected and want to bridge or extrude a component, isolate refreshes and isolates the component. Which means I have go out of isolate and reselect the mesh. 

I noticed that if I change to the legacy viewport this doesnt happen, so I was wondering if I was missing a setting in viewport 2. I have tried turning off autoload select but to no avail.


  • CharacterCarl
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    CharacterCarl greentooth
    For me it works inside Viewport 2.0 as well.
    What I have to do, though, is hit Isolate Selection when I have the object selected in Object Mode.
    Otherwise, when I initiate Isolate Selection in Component Mode the newly created face won't be displayed. Same as in your screenshot.

    I also have "Auto Load New Objects" (right click Isolate Select Icon in the viewport) checked, if that helps.
  • Daew
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    Daew polycounter lvl 9
    Hey thats interesting,
    The example was an object selected in isolate mode and then i just went into component mode to bridge the two edges. Now usually the mesh stays but in viewport 2 it doesn't.
    However if that works for you it's probably on my end, so I think i'll try nuke my preferences as I did carry it over from 2014. I cant afford to do it now but i'll let you know the results when I can :)
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Do let us know if that works, Daew. Nothing has ever worked for me and I've to see a fix. I can be in object mode, isolate, go to component mode, then do a bevel or something, and get similar results to your pics. Usually it trims my view down to the newly created geometry.
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    I've seen this bug in Maya LT 2016.  There is a scriptJob that runs which tries to add newly created components to the isolation but it fails hard at doing so correctly.  Try running this script:

    setIsolateSelectAutoAdd("modelPanel4", 0);
    setIsolateSelectAutoAdd MayaWindow|formLayout1|viewPanes|modelPanel4|modelPanel4|modelPanel4 false;

        string $jobs[] = `scriptJob -lj`;
        for ($t=0; $t<`size $jobs`; ++$t) {
            if (`match "isolateSelectAutoAddCallback" $jobs[$t]` == "isolateSelectAutoAddCallback") {
            string $buffer[];
            tokenize $jobs[$t] ":" $buffer;
            scriptJob -f -kill ((int)$buffer[0]);
            warning ( $jobs[$t] + " killed." );

  • Daew
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    Daew polycounter lvl 9
    Thank a lot Bartalon! That works like a charm :smile: 
    I can now bridge in peace, thanks
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Thanks again Bartalon! Noob Q, how would I set that to always be on? maya.env?
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    throttlekitty I'm not sure actually haha.  I just set it as a shelf button and used it when I needed it.  I think this particular scriptJob will stay gone once you remove it, but it's been a while since I've had to use Maya so I could be wrong.
  • Daew
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    Daew polycounter lvl 9
    I havent tried it but if your isolate select is on a shortcut you could probably add this code in front of the isolate code. So your shortcut runs this then isolate.  Though shelving it is easy as well. It continues to work until you close maya, then you will have to run the script again. 
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