Hey polycount,
So ive recently been using maya 2016 and came from 2014.
I dont remember this ever happening but now in Maya if I have a mesh isolate selected and want to bridge or extrude a component, isolate refreshes and isolates the component. Which means I have go out of isolate and reselect the mesh.
I noticed that if I change to the legacy viewport this doesnt happen, so I was wondering if I was missing a setting in viewport 2. I have tried turning off autoload select but to no avail.
What I have to do, though, is hit Isolate Selection when I have the object selected in Object Mode.
Otherwise, when I initiate Isolate Selection in Component Mode the newly created face won't be displayed. Same as in your screenshot.
I also have "Auto Load New Objects" (right click Isolate Select Icon in the viewport) checked, if that helps.
The example was an object selected in isolate mode and then i just went into component mode to bridge the two edges. Now usually the mesh stays but in viewport 2 it doesn't.
However if that works for you it's probably on my end, so I think i'll try nuke my preferences as I did carry it over from 2014. I cant afford to do it now but i'll let you know the results when I can
setIsolateSelectAutoAdd("modelPanel4", 0);
setIsolateSelectAutoAdd MayaWindow|formLayout1|viewPanes|modelPanel4|modelPanel4|modelPanel4 false;
string $jobs[] = `scriptJob -lj`;
for ($t=0; $t<`size $jobs`; ++$t) {
if (`match "isolateSelectAutoAddCallback" $jobs[$t]` == "isolateSelectAutoAddCallback") {
string $buffer[];
tokenize $jobs[$t] ":" $buffer;
scriptJob -f -kill ((int)$buffer[0]);
warning ( $jobs[$t] + " killed." );
I can now bridge in peace, thanks