So I'm working on an animation that consists of a pop up book that needs to turn to at least 6 pages. There's plenty of tutorials for animating pages in a book, but the problem I'm having is that a pop up book has to be flat whenever it opens and is set up a lot different from a regular book's spine. I went to the bookstore today for reference and I can't figure out how to rig the way it is in the photo. I looked at BookRigger V3, and thought I could just open it up to the middle of the book where its the same amount of pages forward and back so it'd lie flat, but not sure if that will give me the effect I want. I'm open to fudging it a little if need to be. I'm not much of a rigger at all, and this might be something super simple that I'm missing on, but any advice would be great. Thanks in advance!

Now if you want to do it with something like BookRigger, you'd only add bones to the popup parts and using a dummy that's linked to the IK handle attach it to a face/vert on the page (via motion tab > assign controller > position:attachment).