Tuesday I hosted a talk about iridescence and anisotropy for glTF materials. Went well I thought, and good to hear people's questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyMgrV8BErY
This one uses counter-rotating Depth and Normal maps, for a moire like distortion effect which aims to obscure the fact that it’s using rotating UVs to distort the refraction to fake something like a heat refraction effect.
Nice! The previous one was a lot more obviously rotating, making it look like a clear liquid on top, swirling around. This one looks really good though
Working on cleaning up a CC0 car model, to make a showcase asset to demo glTF materials. A gazillion nodes to clean up, bad transforms, all kinds of fun things to fix.
Anyhow, early materials test with the glTF thin film shader...
Added UVs for the paint, so I could so a powder coat. The seats have a quick leather texture, and the tires have a normal map for the tread instead of geo.
Note: this isn't my model, it's a CC0 asset from Sketchfab. I'm cleaning it up as a job for the Khronos Group, to add it to the glTF Sample Assets repo which I've been contributing to for a while.
Found the original, it’s in the Huntington!
Tuesday I hosted a talk about iridescence and anisotropy for glTF materials. Went well I thought, and good to hear people's questions.
Slides etc. here https://www.khronos.org/events/exploring-the-artistic-frontier-unleashing-creativity-in-3d-models-with-gltf-and-pbr
You can download the model here:
This one uses counter-rotating Depth and Normal maps, for a moire like distortion effect which aims to obscure the fact that it’s using rotating UVs to distort the refraction to fake something like a heat refraction effect.
Anyhow, early materials test with the glTF thin film shader...
USDz isn't right yet, the AO is bleeding into the glass. But here's a live demo, and you can check it out in AR too!
Note: this isn't my model, it's a CC0 asset from Sketchfab. I'm cleaning it up as a job for the Khronos Group, to add it to the glTF Sample Assets repo which I've been contributing to for a while.