I grew up with Max and it'd have no problem creating clean straight UV's, the relax tool was great for that too, but I can't figure out how to do it quickly in Maya.
This is what I'm getting and don't want:
http://prntscr.com/9021w2Help as soon as possible would be great as I'm on a strict deadline. Thanks!

There's no option under the UV menu for 'cylindrical map' http://prntscr.com/905gtc the 'cylinderical' option doesn't have anything in it related to unfolding.
For a quick fix tho you can simply align the uv points manually in the uv editor using the existing tools
I don't want to do it manually because I have some complex cylinders. In Max you just press a single button and it'll make a straight cylinder for you but I don't want to have to export everything out to a different software to unwrap. There has to be a way to do one of the most important things in UV'ing.