hey! you have good looking proportions and your rendering is pretty solid. Your design skills are descent but a bit generic. Im personally not a fan of your overwatch redesigns, they are kind of tasteless with all that exposed skin, but thats my personal opinion. on top of that your ladies look like a porn stars with the faces of 16 year old girls
as for the rendering I think you could spend more time with cleanup, you have a lot of blobby mushy shapes. look at tracers hair for example, you can clearly see that you made a basic shape and then just wen crazy with the smudge tool. your kind of mixing hard and soft brushes arbitrary.
overall you have a lot of talent a good start, a good sense of rendering an anatomy, but your rendering could use a bit more clean up, and and you could spend more time in the design fase.
I agree with Lotet. Proportions are great and blending/rendering looks already really good as well! Something seems to be off with the male character´s face though. I think the eyes are a little too long, maybe you should round them up a bit. But then again, I´m not perfect with faces anyway ^^'
As for the concepts, well, what are you aiming for? Whats the concept behind the characters? Are they just random mecha sci fi soldiers? Not really original. If you´re aiming for something more scifi you could replace body parts with glas or hologram-like stuff like this https://de.pinterest.com/pin/532902568378581702/ I´m sure opinions split here but I thought it was pretty unique, cartoonish though. You already added some fur on the male´s shoulder plate, maybe you can elaborate that further. And try to emphasize the person´s character or profession by making the shilouette a little more obvious? The women´s shapes look all the same to me.
Thanks guys, I will definitely look at pushing better designs and thinking of different body shapes to help fix that up. Will make sure to take a look at the the cleanup issues and add more to faces. Thanks again!
you have good looking proportions and your rendering is pretty solid. Your design skills are descent but a bit generic. Im personally not a fan of your overwatch redesigns, they are kind of tasteless with all that exposed skin, but thats my personal opinion. on top of that your ladies look like a porn stars with the faces of 16 year old girls
as for the rendering I think you could spend more time with cleanup, you have a lot of blobby mushy shapes. look at tracers hair for example, you can clearly see that you made a basic shape and then just wen crazy with the smudge tool. your kind of mixing hard and soft brushes arbitrary.
overall you have a lot of talent a good start, a good sense of rendering an anatomy, but your rendering could use a bit more clean up, and and you could spend more time in the design fase.
Goodl luck!
As for the concepts, well, what are you aiming for? Whats the concept behind the characters? Are they just random mecha sci fi soldiers? Not really original. If you´re aiming for something more scifi you could replace body parts with glas or hologram-like stuff like this https://de.pinterest.com/pin/532902568378581702/ I´m sure opinions split here but I thought it was pretty unique, cartoonish though. You already added some fur on the male´s shoulder plate, maybe you can elaborate that further. And try to emphasize the person´s character or profession by making the shilouette a little more obvious? The women´s shapes look all the same to me.