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tahakitan polycounter lvl 10
Are they still planning to integrate animation into toolbag 2? I remember they mentioned it a few months ago. It would be really useful.


  • vertex_
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    vertex_ polycounter lvl 9
    I would gladly pay hundreds of dollars more for Marmoset Toolbag if it contained animation functionality. I have used Marmoset Toolbag in a professional production environment for everything from commercial product renders to infographics and its current functionality has never failed me. But to have support for animation would mean being able to deliver better content to employers/clients and greatly improving my offerings as a 3D artist.

    Hope you guys at Marmoset really consider it and keep up the great work!
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    would indeed be nice but only if done as point cache type animation, in a simple format that you can export from anywhere. none of this 'run our special exporter, only compatible with xyz 2016 SP4' and then try and figure out why scales are wrong and your vertex weights are interpreted differently - if the rig even makes it across properly.

    we have game engines for that... :)

  • EarthQuake
    We are indeed working on animation, it's a huge priority for us.

    Thomas, support for Alembic geometry caching is high on our list, our current plan is to avoid relying on custom exporters and I'm fairly confident we will hit that goal.

    I can't give any sort of ETA for animation support at this time, but if you guys have any specific requests for what you would like to see supported, feel free to drop it in this thread.
  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth
    I would love to see exported animations from Blender supported.
    Shapekeys/Blendshape support.
    Keying sliders in Marmoset to have for example changing lights and materials would be nice too and it would make the usage of .sbsar files highly useful.
  • EarthQuake
    Myclay, thanks for the feedback. Do you know if blender supports Alembic? Or geometry caching via a different format such as FBX or something else?
  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth

    Alembic is not supported as an import export format in Blender and it seems that the development for that got postponed to 2016/17.

    Geometry caching + exporting could be done via Pointcache (.pc2) and mdd

    Blender is able to export FBX 7.4 binaries where rigs, animations and Morph Targets are included and it can be successfully imported into UE4.
    But FBX files from Blender don´t seem to have additional geometry caching.

    The method which was used for the legacy builds  (Marmoset 1.10 and earlier) with the fbx - .skel, .mesh and .anim files is not possible with Blenders FBX exporter.

  • EarthQuake
    Ok cool thanks for the info!
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    I would pay immediately for an alembic animation upgrade. Yet I was wondering how the playback system would be... I mean with the integration of the animations, will there be a timeline panel for it within the toolbag? It would be really wonderful if we could animate cameras too.  
  • EarthQuake
    We are working on a timeline, and yes, basic object, camera, light, etc animation support is planned too. I posted in the animation sub-forum, but I'll mention it here too:

    We're looking for sample animation content to test the system. Alembic .abc files are prefered, but FBX and Maya/Max files are good to see as well. If you've got some content we can use for testing, please pm me or email me at joe@marmoset.co
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    Tomorrow I will create various animations for your tests and mail them in a day or two. I may not deliver so-cool animations but at least I can provide .abc and point cache FBX animations. My aim will be diversity in animations from very basic to complex. If you need anything else feel free to mention and I will try to do my best.
  • EarthQuake
    Tomorrow I will create various animations for your tests and mail them in a day or two. I may not deliver so-cool animations but at least I can provide .abc and point cache FBX animations. My aim will be diversity in animations from very basic to complex. If you need anything else feel free to mention and I will try to do my best.
    Awesome, we look forward to seeing it!

    One thing we don't have any test content for is non-rigged meshes. By that I mean cases like cloth sim, particle simulations, or anything like that which can be baked down to geometry, in theory we should be able to support, so it would be great to see something like that

  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    Ok I have just sent you the animations, Earthquake. I will create some more at this weekend and keep them coming. Best of luck !
  • EarthQuake
    Awesome, thanks so much!
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    You're welcome!
  • MmAaXx
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    MmAaXx polycounter lvl 10
    I''ll be happy even with a simple camera animation support right now.
  • vertex_
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    vertex_ polycounter lvl 9
    I would love to see mesh transparency and material animations.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    myclay said:

    Geometry caching + exporting could be done via Pointcache (.pc2) and mdd
    seeing as alembic might be the cool new kid on the block but perhaps is a little undersupported at this point i would suggest going with (one of) these formats for now. should work for a wider range of DCC apps and -versions. e.g. marvelous can apparently export MDD, too - that might be cool to have available.

    FBX is just headache-inducing as far as i'm concerned. just way too many different versions all over the place and various options to set in the relevant ex/importers.
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    Would it be possible to record/animate the Depth of Field in Toolbag ? Like you have an actor in front of a car. First the focus is the Car then the actor or vice versa while rolling the sequence. Just a thought came to my mind yesterday. 
  • EarthQuake
    Would it be possible to record/animate the Depth of Field in Toolbag ? Like you have an actor in front of a car. First the focus is the Car then the actor or vice versa while rolling the sequence. Just a thought came to my mind yesterday. 
    Yes, the camera and camera settings, such as DOF, will be key-frameable. We've got this in our internal build now and it's cool.
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    Wow looks like you guys really gonna make a revolution in RT Rendering with this. I know it's kinda unfair to ask for an ETA but maybe can we expect the animation support this year ? Thanks. 
  • vertex_
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    vertex_ polycounter lvl 9
    @EarthQuake thanks for the update! Will Christmas come early this year?? :wink: 
  • EarthQuake
    Wow looks like you guys really gonna make a revolution in RT Rendering with this. I know it's kinda unfair to ask for an ETA but maybe can we expect the animation support this year ? Thanks. 
    It's great to see the excitement. Unfortunately I can't comment on a release date just yet, though we may have a little more information at GDC time, so stay tuned.
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    It's great to see the excitement. Unfortunately I can't comment on a release date just yet, though we may have a little more information at GDC time, so stay tuned.
    It's cool man. Will be waiting for it & all best at the GDC.
  • Littlenorwegians
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    Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
    I've been waiting and hoping for animation in Marmoset Toolbag for ages. 
    If this come true, then... lack of words. I'd animate a dancing baguette or something in sheer joy.
  • WarmHotTea
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    WarmHotTea vertex
    GDC 2016 Showcase was mind blowing. Fingers crossed for the Toolbag 3.
  • EarthQuake

    Glad you liked the video! Here it is for anyone else who wants to see, in the video you can see a bit of camera animation, a bit of object animation (Ben's gun, Blair's android and my Helmet were animated directly in TB3), and imported animation content (Karen/Yen's Train and Manuel's Owl).
  • Littlenorwegians
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    Littlenorwegians polycounter lvl 8
  • EarthQuake
    Hehe, when it's ready of course! Seriously though, sometime later this year.
  • jStins
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    jStins interpolator
    Looks slick. Particles created / animated in toolbag or.... ??
  • sergiomengual
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    sergiomengual polycounter lvl 5
    And some support for particle animations would be great too...I use 3DS MAX/and is capable to use the fbx format to export animated files. Altough, I believe exist some other methods for bake animations,(usefull for animated particle systems) that could be very helpfull to send animated particles to marmoset like a geometry with the animation baked.
  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth
    Hello  EarthQuake it looks like the next Blender release 2.78 is getting an official Alembic Importer/exporter
    http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?399763-Dev-Win-Linux-build-Alembic-I-O) ,
     is there anyone testing Blender Alembic files in combination with Marmoset currently?

    It would be additionally cool if animations form Akeytsu (fbx files)  with Marmoset could be tested.

  • DanaosC
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    DanaosC polycounter lvl 5
    Hey guys, any news on the animation feature? I read through the comments but didn't get a clear answer, would we be able to showcase our character animations? Like the idle, walking, running etc.
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