Si vous aimez la 3D temps réel, la création de matériaux, cette material ball est faite pour vous!
Téléchargez dès à présent et gratuitement, cette material ball avec ses maps de qualités ! Retrouvez un setup complet sous Substance Painter pour créer vos matériaux rapidement et un setup complet sous Marmoset Toolbags afin de mettre vos rendus 3D temps réel de vos matériaux en valeurs.
Tout est déjà paramétrés! Alors, prêt à vous amuser?
may I suggest you to possibly post it here? in case someone else would like to use it in the future:
Marmo screen
Also, you should totally provide a 16-bit normal map with this, otherwise super shiny materials make the banding from the 8-bit normal map quite obvious. And unfortunately it looks like you've baked your normal map with different triangulation than the model you've provided has, leading to the X-shaped smoothing errors on the top of the circular "stand". It also seems that the cutaway faces on this stand do not have any normal information baked, which means they have oddly sharp edges in comparison to the rest of the model.
The good news is that's all easily fixable. if anything above is unclear let me know and I'll do my best to help.