Currently, when I try to load my new project into DDO, I get shown a blank (grey) albedo. I can't seem to add anything to it, and when I try to load 3DO, it immediately artifacts and doesn't display my model. I've had numerous problems with the Suite since I started using it last year, and none of the workarounds I usually use work. My model's triangulated and none of my maps should cause any problems. With Photoshop CC 2014, it loads as previously described (blank albedo, DDO artifacts). With Photoshop CS5, I get an error ("8800: General Photoshop error"). When I try to load up one of the example projects (AKS), it works fine in both versions of Photoshop, but it always artifacts in CS5. I'm about to pull my hair out. I know you guys are working on Suite 2.0 but I hate never being able to just work on something because Suite 1.8 has issues. Any help would be appreciated.
Here's what it the artifacting looks like:

...I have no idea where to go from here. My model's clean and triangulated. It's an .OBJ. What else am I missing here?
I guess that's the solution, if anyone's searched and came across this post- don't export your OBJs from Max if you want them to work in Suite.
I'm... I've got to go do something else for a while.
Looks okay so far. I'm bewildered as to what the difference is between my OBJs, but whatever. I'm going to play some Metal Gear for a while and internally cry.
(Shameless cross-post:
I have also sent you a private message to make sure the material problem is also resolved.