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[Looking For All] Show Production (Unpaid)

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Hey, im working on a 3D cartoonish YouTube show, and im looking mostly for modelers and animators and artists at the moment.

This is a free production, done for fun, so there is no pay involved, its just something fun to do and get a lotta laughs, both in the production of each episodes, and the viewing of the final product and all our amazingness put together in end.

If you fit the qualifications and roles described below, and your interested in joining the project, please email or Skype me, and whoever you are, I thank you for your valuable time.

I am Dibbie Knight, a 18 year old game developer & freelance programmer from Canada, I tend to do a lot of projects for free just to simply help out, and cause I enjoy it, I have many skills in game development, and pretty do everything thats required to make a game, if needed, I do gamer design as well. I have some new projects im working on, though if you want to check out my company site, its: www.simpleminded.x10host.com. I am more of a game developer then a director, but I got some good friends in writing and entertainment/theatre, etc helping me out.

This is a 3D dark humr cartoon show that will be viewed on YouTube, off a new channel for it. It will also be on the website in development for it, which can easily feature exclusive content and ads, but no garuntee itl generate any significant amount of money. Any profits it does make, can be split amoung the team.

The show is about 15 characters all from different backgrounds, reside in a small town in the middle of a warfare between 2 rival gangs, and must put their hatred toward eachother aside to team up with the local protective gang, and help keep eachother alive. One line that a character mentions in the show is "Crack heads hang with crack heads, and hate shooters, who hang out with shooters, and hate crack heads, but will constantly fight their enimies to keep eachother alive... To continue hating eachother, you see the problem with this here? NOBODIES DIEING!" - the show is supposed to be very comedic, so there are very few actual serious moments. The idea of that speech is that, we all have our own groups, and generally dont like people not in our group or like what we like, though even though there our enemy, we will still help them fight their battles, and we dont have a reason why other then, their enimies are also ours. When in reality, we just want to see them alive so we can continue to hate them.

In majority, the first 3 groups (modelers, animators, and artists) are most wanted at the moment.

Characters Modeler: Creating all of the characters of the show, and character rigging
Environment Modeler: Creating everything around the characters, and the world they are in/"contenent/state"
City & Environment Modeler: Creating the cities and towns of the world, and also helping with creating parts of the world
3D Object Rigger: Setting up all objects in the world that will be interacted with, as well as character rigging

Characters Animator & Lip Sync: Animating all character dialog and head motion (head nods, facial expression, etc)
Combat & Character Animator: Animating the physical characters in all their states (walking, crying, etc), working with Characters Animator alot
Visual Effects Animator: Animating any visual effects (explosions, sun beams, sirens, etc)
Environment & Object Animator: Animating any rigged objects for the show

General Artist: Create all artwork that may be needed for development, such as character concepts, weapon concepts, building floor plans, etc - you will be given help from other artists as well
Textures Artist: Create all textures for the 3D models

1. English speaking (basically, we need rto be able to understand you)
2. Uses Skype (our main communication method is through Skype)
3. (not required) Has a microphone (you dont NEED to ever speak (unless your a VA), but if you do have a mic, it makes multi tasking and communication easier)
4. A self rating of 7 or highder (on a scale of 1 being absolute crap to 10 being godly, how skilled do you feel you are with your role of interest?)
5. Provide at least 2 examples of your work (anything at all to show what you can do, I understand NDA's might conflict as well, and thats okay)
6. At least 5 - 13 hours of free time per week to help on the project (Thats like 1 - 3 hours a day, not even, simply just have SOME time to be able to actually help on the show, its a side thing, so its understandable, I wont even be dedicating large hours to it, BECAUSE its a side thing, but try and be able to work on episodes as they are created, and youll be notified)
7. Have a outlook/microsoft/one drive account (we use Microsoft OneNote as our document/file storage and organization system, everything is there, but to even view the content, your required to sign into your OneDrive/Microsoft account)

The best and most direct form of contact to me is through Skype, but please only add me if you are interested in joining. If you are interested in knowing more about the project, or you have questions or something, please email me instead.
Skype: Dibbie1337
Email: strongstrenth@hotmail.com

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