Hi guys ! I've started sculpting about 2 weeks ago, and I'm confiused about dynamesh/subdivision workflow. Some people work exclusevly in dynamesh, some go straight to subdivisions, and others are doing base mesh with dynames, zremesh it, and start subdividing. which one is moree correct, easy, organic and popular ?
the popular and easy one is dynamesh, zremesh, subdivide.
if I have a good basemesh (even sized quads): straight to subdivisions.
If i have no basemesh:box/sphere, low-res dynamesh, subdiv, zremesh, then subdivs.
If I have a bad basemesh thats still lowish poly: zremesh, then subdivs
If I have a hp mesh that needs details: Duplicate, dynamesh, reproject, subdiv.
Others may have much better, more efficient approaches, but that's what's working for me, atm.
Justmesr - I use dynamesh whenever I want to use insert mesh and this is almost always on mechanical objects. What makes you avoid using dynamesh for this? or do you not use insert mesh often?