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3dsMax - UE4 - Help with Moving rigged vehicle parts

Good Evening All,

Well it's been a very long time since I was here, I think it was last back in the old RTCW/UT days :) great to see it's still going strong.

Anyway, I am in need of a little assistance if you folks don't mind, I've posted in the UE4 forums and just being blanked which I find strange in this Social era were are in and I'm here hoping with fingers crossed that one of you kind ladies and gents can help me sort my issue which is 3dmax related.

I am rigging a vehicle in 3dsmax for UE4, the vehicle is based of the "Advanced Template", so full suspension etc with all the trimmings, I am finding it extremely difficult to get my head around changing "Wheelbase" distance for adding different vehicle bodies etc.

I will attach a few screenshots at the bottom of this thread in the hopes it will higlight my issue somewhat.

! The Problem !

Changing the Wheel (and attached parts, driveshafts, suspension & bones used), I unlink all my items from the schematic in 3dsMax and move them accordingly to their new desired location.
When I import this into UE4 (fbx btw) in some views it is fine but others like the mesh viewer and all things physic related it shows the opposing stack (pictures show more), i.e Editable Mesh Stack & Skin Stack.

Before I start to move anything when i select the Editable Mesh or the Skin stacks, nothing changes (great) as I know this is 100% and works ok in UE4, but soon as I move items by unlinking and relinking after move I get the below results shown in pictures. I've been scratching my head now for at least 2 weeks trying different methods and researching and to no avail, hence i'm here asking for your expertise in this subject.

I'm sure im missing something basic or the exact method for me to use, as I've also played around the Xform resets to achieve the results needed but again to no avail, I just get a massive screwed up mesh in UE4

I apologize if some of what I have said isn't terminology friendly but I am hoping the pictures below will explain my problem more.

Wheels exported from max imported to UE4 (Without any movement changes and works perfect)

Image of Skin/Stack difference (problem) which is creating issue

The result in UE4 with Mesh view & Live game view (2 different results same export which resembles the Skin/Mesh stack

I'm hoping for one of you gurus it will be something simple and I'll be forever greatfull :)

Many Thanks and hoping for some assistance which would be kindly appreciated.
Cecil B


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