Greetings amazing creatures! I have run into a little problem of when it
comes to biding a script to a Key in 3Ds max, and I would love to get
some information on what I might have done wrong. So generally speaking I
want to my script to run when I press a key.
So in order for me to get the script to even appear in the Keybindings menu I have to add a few lines such as:
macroScript Test
allowes me to find my Script in the Keybindings menu, but when I bind
it to a key and try to run it, the script doesn't work. It won't start
and nothing happens. When I drag and drop the script onto my scene it
works. But nothing happens when I press the button that I have bound it
TO note: I am using 3Ds Max 2015. The script is saved as an MCR file.
Here below is the script, There will be a link to Paste bin as well for easier reading:
macroScript testing
toolTip: "testing the test"
rollout UVTool "UV AutoUnwrap V0.6"
spinner mapChannelNo "Map Channel: " range:[0,100,2] type:#integer
-- spinner customFlattenAngle "Angle: " type:#float range:[0,1000,45.0] scale:5.0
spinner spacing "Spacing: " type:#float range:[0,100,0.007] scale:0.001
-- checkbox packed "Pack" checked:true
button unwrap "Unwrap"
-- ==============
-- ==============
on unwrap pressed do
-- creates an array from suitable geometry in selection
local geoToUV = (for o in selection where (isKindOf o GeometryClass and canConvertTo o Editable_Mesh) collect o)
-- checks to see if anything will be unwrapped, and generates error popup if not
if geoToUV.count == 0 then messagebox "No suitable geometry selected!"
clearSelection() -- clears selection once original selection has been saved as geoToUV array
for i in 1 to geoToUV.count do -- loops through array of suitable geometry
select geoToUV[i] -- selects "i"th piece of geometry
-- main UVW block
modPanel.addModToSelection (Unwrap_UVW ()) ui:on
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].unwrap.setMapChannel mapChannelNo.value
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].unwrap.move ()
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapList.count = 0
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapIDList.count = 0
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].baseMaterial_list.count = 1
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].baseMaterial_list[1] = undefined
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapList.count = 0
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapIDList.count = 0
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapList.count = 1
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapIDList.count = 1
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapList[1] = Checker ()
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].texMapIDList[1] = -1
subobjectLevel = 3
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40021"
max select all
geoToUV[i].modifiers[#Unwrap_UVW].flattenMap 45.0
#([1,0,0], [-1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,-1,0], [0,0,1], [0,0,-1])
(spacing.value/2) true 0 true true
subobjectLevel = 0
-- packed section - still issues with packing code. Also, no longer works within UI
-- if packed == true do
-- (
-- selection[i].modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.move ()
-- subobjectLevel = 3
-- max select all
-- selection[i].modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].pack 1 0.007 true true true
-- subobjectLevel = 0
-- modPanel.addModToSelection (TurboSmooth ()) ui:on -- Tests to see if this block works
-- )
select geoToUV#() -- selects geometry which has been modified
createDialog UVTool width:200
Thanks for reading and a large thanks to the one who can help me, or at least tries.
Not this: