Greetings everyone,
I'm pleased to introduce you my last animation: "Aggro"
I have been working on it since more than a year now, mainly during evenings and week-end and sometimes on my fact, everytime I could ^^
It has been an lot of work, and even if this project has brought me a lot, I must admit that it's the last time I ship in such a time-consuming task alone !
To introduce you briefly the underlying idea of this animation, I wanted to create a little anim with a series of shots. It's not about having a story here, it's mainly a cause to make an anim (which is the goal of the exercice
) that have a context and a common thread.
I'd like to take the opportunity to thank Müh who gave me precious advices about directing and camera, two tools which have really enriched the project !
The goal was to put the stress on the characters/animations and to have a environment which does not become prevalent visually.
In order to avoid characters moving in a white and emply setting, I've looked for a graphic style with some concession : being able to make it alone and fast enough, but trying to design an ambiance.
A bit like the old TV-show Batman where buildings are often not more than shapes more or less similar.
For the technical aspect :
3DsMax for the Modeling, Skin and Texture (Photoshop).
Motion Builder for the SetUp and the animation.
And Sony Vegas for the video editing, the sound and the MixMusic
There is no rendering, it's direct viewport Mobu (with the particles from Mobu):)
No mocap, neither flex or cloth, all has been animated in Key Frame with simple bones (Clothes, hair, debris,…).
If any questions come to your mind, please ask them ! hope you will appreciate it, and don't hesitate to share it !
Overall, it's pretty good work and visually appealing in terms of animation (the lighting needs some serious work though, it looks bland alot)!
EDit: Just re-read your post! Oh man! ONe year, that's alot of effort! I'm actually trying to build a long fighting scene myself and this is making me reconsider! Congratulation for managing to finish it!
I have a question for working animators out here?
Is it possible to land a job with a short movie like this or it's preferable to make a reel with short exercices and motions?
Re-edit:haha the more I'm watching it, the more I like it! I keep noticing some sly moves in there and snarky facial expressions!
The worst part in in this however is the grappling hook sequence where she swings in third person camera. It really needs some retouching (it deters the quality of the work!)
Thank you for your comments, I appreciate.
Also thank you for your feedback.
I'm not fully satisfied with some shots but it's the problem of making something as long and alone (especially at night, in addition to the job).
To answer your question, if you have time it is nice to show work as a whole (modeling, animation, camera etc ...). It shows your artistic sense.
But if you're a hurry, exercises and short movements is good too.
The main thing is the quality of work