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Zbrush correct scale ?

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Noors greentooth
Each time i attempt to do some zbrush, it reminds me why i try to stay away from it D:
So, i'm trying to sculpt a character from a basemesh made in max.
I work in centimeters, so let's say my character is 170cm tall in Max.
I've imported the mesh with goz. Ok, the mesh in zbrush is 170 units tall.
Well, obviously, tools get wonky, starting with the transpose masking that doesn't work with symmetry on.
Should i work in meters in max, so the character is 1.7 unit in Zbrush ?
Should i set the export scale at 100 instead of 1, and resize the model at 1% in zbrush ?
I don't even get why export scale has an influence on zbrush current object size (should apply only on export no ?)
I get your model size has to be coherent with the grid size or the preview window. My model is actually way bigger. Sample zbrush humans are either 8cm tall with export scale a 1 (8 units for proportions i guess), or 180cm (correct real size) but with export scale near to 100.


  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    I know the scale issue is such a pain sometimes. For all the tools to work properly you would have to go to deformation and hit unify but that brings a lot of headaches scalewise when you reimport into max. I think you should export with the scale of 1 and hit unify in zbrush in case the tools are iffy again.  If not check this out https://gumroad.com/l/fdSnU
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    This is what i get:
    Units work in conjunction with the export scale.
    At scale 1 (default) , when hitting unify, zbrush resize the model so it fits 2 units. We'll consider the unify size is optimal for zbrush tools.
    Sample characters are at 8 units, so let's consider, something between 1 to 10 units is still a decent size for sculpting.
    At scale 100, unify resize a 200 units.
    At scale 90, unify resize the model to about 180 units. 180 cm beeing a standard size for a male, let's say 90 is a correct scale to set for a human model.

    If i export a 180cm model from max in centimeter and import it manually in zbrush, scale is nearly at 90. So, by default, zbrush import with the optimal scale. If you hit unify, the model shouldn't be resized.
    I think at some point i used GoZ on several objects. The first object has a correct scale (about 90), the others have a scale at 1.
    I probably append all subtools to an object with a scale at 1, resulting in a really big model for zbrush.
    All i had to do was to create a new object with a scale at 90 (or reimport a model from max) and reappend all my previous subtools. Then they get scaled in zbrush while still measuring the correct value in centimeters. The corelation between zbrush size/units/unify/scale wasn't very clear but now i think i got it.
    Sorry that was a bit of self notes, but if my memory fails, i can still find it back here.
    Yay !

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