Hello All, this is my first post in this forum, i have a question regarding using the extrude tool while modeling, and while i use C4D, i think this question apply for other programs as will
and so my problem is best described using the following image
as you see in the image, when i extruded the polygon that is highlighted in the second image, the other polygon which sit right beside it is still there, where the normal behavior which you would need is that they marge together, as you see in the third image when i moved the other polygon, i revealed a pointless polygon that was sitting there, that is completely unneeded
so is there is a way around this, what could be done to have a clean extrude without the hidden polygons that you might create without noticing
The various techniques involves a certain degree of cleaning, even if you delete the face if you wanted to extrude, so that it doesn't create that extra polygon yo don't want, extrude only 3 edges, then close the hole. You'll have to cut the other face, delete the half you don't need and connect back together the mesh with Optimize (U~O).
Delete the already extruded faces and fill that hole and then click both faces and extrude them together this time
Pull them apart like what you did in your 3rd image and delete the 2 faces and then merge the verts to centre
Few ways of doing it
I did it faster the first time since I have a pretty slow internet connection, especially in upload, anyway.
The suggestions in this thread are all part of the same technique, which consist on cleaning up the mesh after the extrusion. In this case it was easier to select the inner face from the top view with the rectangular selection tool (0, zero on the keyboard) since there are no other parts you can accidentally select, but usually you have to go inside your mesh to do that.
Use the Subdivision Surface to see if your mesh have some problems in combination with Mesh Checking (SHIFT+M), Boundary Edges displays open meshes and Complex Poles highlights points with more than 5 polygons. The Knife cut was done in Line mode with Visible Only ticked off, quickly called with the Help4D scripts, I've then assigned Line assigned to ALT+F1 and Loop to ALT+F2.
At 0:04 I just deleted the previously selected polygons with Backspace, after that I run Optimize (U~O).
i see now that i should have modified the knife tool attributes for it to work