Hi, Folk
My name is Rudy (Dedyone)
https://www.artstation.com/artist/dedyoneI'm living in France and it is my first thread! I'm currently working in a casual gaming company on a successful game (called: Criminal Case ). During my work in the industry, I had to face my lack of skills in many areas. Unfortunatly I think I still have a lot of work to do.
I spend time on the forum since a long time but never had the courage to participate (what a shame 
I'll try to post regulary routghly in that order to start in charted territory...:
-Values sketches of backgrounds
-Line sketches and interesting doodles (I mean you will judging if there are or not)
-Color sketches of backgrounds/scenes (I will be happy to share my tips)
-Characters and other stuff after. (>.<)I'm not confortable with forum but today I want and need to share my personal work (even not finish) to confront it with the community

Also my purpose is to give me motivations to draw more. Abviously learn and become better is also a priority. Someone says:"Get better Feel better". Let's try this.
Hope you will enjoy my sh*t

and don't worry, I only just worked up the courage to start posting too;; so you're not alone XD
Nice greyscales
Thanks !!
The Swamp Spider: Troopers are hunting jedi on Dagobah Dagoba is a Swamp so dense that common ship of vehicules cannot land. A special transporter would be usefull to travel across the bayou where the path disappear hunder the vegetation in no time.
THANKS @Gnashed
Another concept in progress.
The Trap
another camera angle could be interesting too
I imagine this vehicle for starwars univers
The Snow Rover: Finding the right place for defense
I was looking for simple shapes! I like the idea of a giant and very slow vehicule especially design for snowy planets. Giant sphere as wheels which are also long range radar. X6 the radars are amplifying themself to cover a perimeter of several thousands killometers. Is powerfull signal can detect middle size aircraft and bunker deeply burried. His presence is a guaranty of defeat for enemies.
Anti aircraft feature to the rover. the wheels can open and fire long range shoots. the wheel opening show fixing parts to avoid recoil. the opening is barely visible on the seconde vehicules.
It was also to prevent the lines work on the spheres which seemed to look good on the sketch but isn't. I only tried to have it right on the first wheels.
I've exported an image from Modo only with vertices to help me draw the design on the sphere as I wanted
I finally cheat with the wheel position a little bit .....
beside that it looks quite nice though!
DD-3 The younger brother. He is smaller than R2D2 cute and portable.
Rather than having legs, I imagine it moving on a ball with a gravity center.
Inspired by Mesopotamien Tayianat statues and Ouarzazate city in Morocco.
At the step 3 I felt like I would not reach the accurancy expected for the statues. So it was better to not spend more time trying to get the right perspective and lighting. Let's try 3D coat for the first time.
It was looking much better with the first sculpt but it was so fun to sculpt the lion's than I decided to spend more time on it. It finally pay off.