I ran a test on a basic cylinder just to make sure texal density was the issue, and all materials look good there. I laid out my uv's using a 2:1 texture sheet, and mirrored everything I could to avoid this potential issue. I was not successful.
The blue faces are mirrored.
From what I see the only option open to me is to split my model into two 4096x2048 sheets instead of the one. Also, mirroring the strap and pad to free up a little more space. Advice?
@Bartalon - Correct, the doc size in Painter was set to 4096x2048 to match the other maps. I tried just painting with a brush and still had pixely results.
I baked out just the rail, giving it plenty of it's own uv space. STILL have issues even at 4k.
uv space baked at 4k