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Sketchbook: Nettle

polycounter lvl 5
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Nettle polycounter lvl 5
Hello! I'm new to polycount ...sorta. I've been a lurker for yeeeaars.
I'm coming back to art after about a 2 year  break and I sorta suck so I need somewhere to post and get feedback and critique.

I dusted off my wacom tablet and went into Photoshop and did some painting, mainly I was focused on getting used to the hand-eye co-ordination of the tablet again, I have only done a little painting traditionally so I really need to work on my colours as well

ended up with this, very rough and nooby looking. Next I tried to practice painting some eyes.

which turned out to be quite muddy, it dragged on for a bit too long, got fed up and rushed the shading.
Struggled a bit with the opacity a bit, seems quite slow to drop and raise opacity, some artists I've seen on youtube don't even touch the layer opacity or brush opacity are they using Transfer in the brush properties?

Decided to go back to a pad and pencil to practice the actual shapes of eyes and noses as I was a bit rusty.


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