This only happens when smooth mesh proxy is on. Is there a way to fix it? I'm guessing it has to do with cameras but I havent found an option for it yet.
If you look close enough you can see the wireframe 'trickling' off and on the 9mm bullet. I never noticed this before until just now. But it seems to ONLY happen when wireframe shaded is on with smooth mesh (3) is enabled. =x

If that's not the problem try changing the Subdivision Method from OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark to Maya Catmull-Clark. I think this is only for Maya 2015 and beyond. You can adjust the global subdivision method in the Preferences window (Windows > Settings/Preferences > Preferences), Modeling category on the left, and Polygons section on the right. You should see the wireframe shift slightly as you change through the subdivision method options.