I have an annoying problem that I for some reason just can't get my head around. I have installed 3DS Max on my new SSD, and was doing some modelling, and then ran into the problem that the gizmo doesn't go into the center of my selections, whether it is subselection of vertexs like below, or selection of objects. It's like it's center with something else. Could I have hit a button that did something? (did forget to disable Keyboard Shortcut Overide Toggle when I started editing, and maybe I hit something?)
1 vertex - 200 vertices.
"Is there no way to actually having it do the center of the min/max of selection, instead of average (which I find to be a bit useless)."
I don't think so, unless you use a predefined object/parent/working pivot. Also your selection bounding box can be set infinite ways. Could be along parent object or world i guess.
But it has nothing to do with your install or ssd
Can't say it has ever been an issue tho. Why does it bother you ?