Hey guys, I'm just wondering how you can move the pivot point in Max to an edge or vertex whilst having an edge or number of vertices selected. Used Maya for about 6/7 years now and the way to do it in that is to hold 'D' and 'V' to snap to vertices. Just wondered if there's an equivalent in Max?
I've seen on YouTube that you can 'Use pivot point center' and it'll base it on the last hovered edge or vertex but it doesn't seem to be doing that.
Thanks in advance for any info!
Use "use transform coordinate center"
lock your selection (spacebar) (also juste before locking you might want to hover a scale/rotate/axis to constraint the transformation)
activate the snap (s key) with whatever option you want (face/edge/vert)
Hover a vert/edge/face whatever, and scale/rotate/move your selection from here.
It's not really moving the pivot, but it makes transformation from where you click/drag.
Also take a lootk at the must have FB sub-obj pivot
It edits the working pivot based on selection, which is imo more intuitive