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polycounter lvl 11
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Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 11

A bit of a surprise to see a dedicated forum given the age of the engine, but it's neat to see it here. 

Unless you're authoring hats/swords/stickers, Source has a notoriously hard pipeline that hasn't aged well. Despite that, it's still pretty popular for mods, machinima, and even indie games that usually started out as mods. 

Its strength in source is the community behind it, though - everything I've ever learned about the source engine pipeline came from reading the Valve Developer Community, or asking on forums. Since there's a source section now, I suppose it'd be good to have a general Q&A thread.

To start, here's some helpful links for (old school) source content authoring/modding:
Interlopers Tutorials (mapping/general tutorials)
VIDE (Mapping tools)
Nem's Tools (texture tools/gcf extraction)
Notepad++ and N++ Extensions (valve language text file editing)
Crowbar (model decompiling)
Wallworm Model Tools (modern tools for 3dsMax)

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