Polycount and Skybound have teamed up to bring you a contest that will meld the characters of Dota 2 with world of Invincible. <More to come. Specifically mention that this is not an official Valve contest and that entry to the market place for the winners is not guaranteed>
- This is a 3D modeling & texturing contest for Valve's Dota 2.
- There are 2 categories for this contest: Artists will create 1 full item set for a Hero of their choosing or one complete courier, that is created as fan art for Skybound's 'Invincible'.
- This contest will run from X-date to Y-date.
- 3 winners will be chosen for the Full item-set category
- 1 winner will be chosen for the courier category
- Important: Winners of this contest do not get immediate entry to the Dota 2 marketplace. Ultimately that decision falls on Valve; Polycount and Skybound will be choosing their favourite entries to this contest and gifting their prizes accordingly.
- Up to 2 artists can team up for these item sets.
- There is no limit to how many sets you can create for the duration of the contest
- There is no limit to how many couriers you can create for the duration of this contest
- All submissions must be original and cannot contain elements from copyrighted works, reference to other IP’s, or use of any images or material you do not own unless and must be derived from the Invincible brand.
- You may team up with as many artists / concept artists as you like for this contest. If you do team up wth others please pay special attention to the Submitting guideline noted below!
- You must be signed up and registered on Steam to enter this contest.
- You will need Dota 2 (or the Dota 2 Spectator client, which is free for everyone) to upload and submit your entry to the Dota 2 Workshop and be considered for this contest. The spectator client is available from the Steam Dota 2 page here. The spectator client will not work with anyone who has a ‘limited’ Steam account – meaning they’ve never spent money on Steam and have only ever used free software).
- All submissions to the Steam Workshop for this contest must be final. Use your WIP thread on Polycount to show your work-in-progress.
- Please see Creating, Presenting and Submitting your Entry below for more information
- You must be a member of Polycount to enter this contest.
- Please see Creating, Presenting and Submitting your Entry below for more information
- You must create and maintain a Work-In-Progress (WIP) thread for your entry in our Contest & Challenges forum.
- Please see Creating, Presenting and Submitting your Entry below for more information
Every single Hero in Dota has a specific list of specifications & guidelines for creating item sets. Please read this page here. When creating your item set for your chosen Hero, they should all be within a cohesive, original design that is derived from the Invincible brand.
In addition to their specific list of specifications, every Hero item set has a general set of requirements that will need to be completed. These tasks are a standard for all Dota 2 Workshop submissions. Below is a quick list of those requirements, but make sure you read the entire Dota 2 Workshop page. It outlines these requirements in detail, as well as has individual specification pages for the Hero you choose for this contest.
- Hero models and requirements for hero’s items are available on each hero’s page.
- Each item in the set should follow geometry and texture requirements on hero’s page.
- The accepted format is .SMD, .DMX or .FBX for models and .TGA for textures.
- Each item should have 2 levels of detail models (LOD).
- Each item should have color, normal, mask1 and mask2 textures to be accepted.
- You have 6 weeks to complete your Dota 2 Hero item set and submit it.
- Submission is done via in-game submission tool which enforces the requirements above.
When you’re ready, choose your Hero from the list below and check out their specifications page by clicking on your chosen Hero. Entries for the Dota 2 Polycount Contest must adhere to these guidelines.
It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT you read the page linked above (here it is again). Right below the list of characters are the specific ‘general’ requirements for all Heroes. Within each character page is not only the character specific specifications but a download for the model & texture files for each Hero.

If you have any questions regarding this information feel free to ask about it in our Q&A Thread.
The process you will go through for this contest is 3 parts: Creating your submission, presenting it, and submitting it for final judging.
When you begin to work on your Hero item set there are some things you will need to do.
- If you haven’t already, sign up for a Steam account. This will be required when it comes time to submit as you’ll be submitting to the Steam Workshop via Dota 2
- If you are not part of the Dota 2 closed beta, you can download the free Dota 2 Spectator Client. The Spectator Client will allow you to import, preview and submit your models to the Dota 2 Workshop.
- Sign up and join the videogame art community, Polycount. If you’re in to 3D modeling or texturing for videogames, you’ll like it here at Polycount – promise! We have 40,000+ members with virtually every videogame studio’s talent represented in some way shape or form within our forum.
- Create a work-in-progress (WIP) thread in our Dota 2 Polycount Contest forum. But please, use the following layout for your thread title:
- INVINCIBLE – Hero Name – Item Set name
- Example: INVINCIBLE – Ogre Magi – Papale's Day Off
- Update your WIP thread as much as you can! Showing your progress is very important. You cannot simply sign up today and then post your final submission 6 weeks from now. Showing your progress will not only motivate you to finish, but it will allow the community to offer words of wisdom. That, and it will show the guys & gals at Valve that you truly did make your entry for this contest and didn’t have it tucked away on your hard-drive somewhere collecting dust waiting for the opportune time to cash in.
- 1 thread per item set. Any submissions being worked on by multiple artists must be posted to 1 WIP thread only. Do not create 1 thread per artist on a team.
- As you’re working, be sure to follow the guidelines for your Hero. The model of your hero is available for download on your Hero’s page. Feel free to use it in your WIP thread images.
A note for new users to Polycount: First off – welcome! We’re really glad to see you’ve decided to sign up and enter this contest with us and Valve. When you first sign up and register with Polycount you will receive a PM on the site from our Administrator, ‘adam’. It outlines instructions on how to have your account moderated so you can begin posting. (Essentially, you should make a post here saying hello and why you’ve joined Polycount). From there, our moderator team with moderate your post, and open your account fully to the site. In the mean time, you will have limited capabilities while on Polycount. If your account hasn’t been activated, you may work on your entry in the mean time and it should be activated within 24 hours of registering. Thank you and again – welcome to Polycount!
Ultimately presentation for your item set is up to you. Your goal should be to create an attractive presentation that engages the interest of the community and the judges. There’s plenty of examples of presentations already up on the Dota 2 Workshop.
Submitting your artwork to the Dota 2 Workshop is a beautiful thing. If you follow the guidelines for your character not only will your artwork be uploaded easily, but it will be setup on the Hero and work with their animations immediately. No more requirements for rigging and / or animation knowledge.
Submission guidelines & instructions are straight forward and found on the Dota 2 Workshop website. When submitting do not forget the following
- If you are not in the Dota 2 beta, download and install Dota 2 spectator client from the Dota 2 steam page. You will use it to upload & submit your entry to the Contest as outlined in the Workshop page.
- Your submission through the Workshop includes the tag ‘Polycount’. If this is absent your entry will not be considered for the Dota 2 Polycount contest. There will be a Polycount check-box during the submission process, via Dota 2 / the Spectator Client
- Your submission includes the link to your Polycount Forum thread for this contest. Please add this to the box where you supply a description of your item set.
- Your completed, original, Hero item set.
- Your model is to the specifications outlined in its guideline.
- You have created the appropriate LOD’s for your item set.
- You are submitting with the accepted file formats.
- Via the Workshop Steam page, you elect the Steam accounts of the people you teamed up with for your entry and will apportion them the appropriate % of royalty they will receive from your winning entries earnings. You will be prompted to do this once your entry is submitted through Dota 2 or the Spectator Client
<links to relevant information about the comic and the brand>
Dota 2 is a multiplayer Action RTS game. It began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3 and has grown into one of the most played online games in the world. Dota 2 is scheduled for a 2012 release on the PC and Mac.
Polycount & Skybound will decide the winners for the Top 3 Item Sets and the Overall Best Courier.
The winners of the Dota 2 Polycount Contest will be announced TBD.
<A reminder about how Steam Workshop's third party contribution works, and how to find Polycount within that.>