Thunder Cloud Studios has a great looking tool for generating and controling hair from polgons
"GMH2 (Geo Maya Hair 2) is a more advanced version of GMH script, specialized in hair modeling & stylizing.
User can easily model complex hair styles using traditional polygon modeling method and convert to Maya Hair using GMH2 with 2 simple steps."
I personally haven't given it a test drive but it looks awesome.
its a gift thx!
Thank you very much for your kind words,
@Makkon: a yeah it's a pity that there isnt any use of this script for Games yet. But I am planning to somehow make it possible that to bake the hair onto the original polygon meshes 's texture ( diffuse, spec and normal channel ) . If everything goes well , I will do it in next version of GMH
If you'll make possible to bake Maya hairs on textures, that would be just AWESOME, but even now it's AWESOME.
Wow this is fantastic. Will purchase, highly interested in Maya hair baking, that sounds amazing.
YES! This is something that would greatly increase workflow speed for creating hair cards. Do you see this as something that will be introduced as an upgrade to GMH 2, like a 2.1 or 2.5 release? Or will it be a completely new tool (new purchase)?
Yes i am late to this as always, awesome you cheaters!