Sketchfab has launched another contest!
The folks at Sketchfab have cracked open another can of contest for you. This one is a quickie sculpt contest with SculptFab. It ends Monday so hit the jump and get the details to carve out a spot for yourself.
Here's the contest details and hurry as you've only got a few days to get your sculpt on.
Contest rules:
- One final entry per user
- Your entry must have been made using sculptfab.com, between Friday, August 30th and Monday, September 2nd at noon (EST).
- Your entry must start with the default sphere provided in Sculptfab.
- You must submit 2 work-in-progress models before your final sculpt to show the evolution (feel free to regularly save your entry in Sculptfab to obj to make sure you don’t lose it).
- Your entries must be submitted to your own personal Sketchfab account, not the general Sculptfab one.
- You can render your final entry in Sketchfab with the material editor, but no other tool is permitted.
- Tag your final entry with sketchfast6
Contest prizes:
- 1st prize: a 3D print of your entry + 1 year of Sketchfab PRO
- 2nd prize: a 3D print of your entry
- 3rd prize: 1 year of Sketchfab PRO
Voting and selection will be made by the Sketchfab community, who will be choosing the best sculptfabs!
*writer looks at clock and calendar*
8:24 AM, Sept. 2, 2013.
"Dang it!"