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Level Design Reference DB

Level-Design.org started up a new database for reference

"Reference Database is a free collection of game screenshots with assigned tags that describe the images' content. This database answers the question "How it was made in games?" so if you look for the rocks just type it in the search box and the result will be a list of game screenshots with rocks. It will help you plan and execute design ideas or the look of your graphics by setting up a benchmark - the reference from different game titles."

The Reference Database

The beauty is in the image tagging. Are you tired of google letting you down while you are looking for a "Barrier in Rage made out of junk"? The unique tagging in the Reference Database makes that possible. You can also help grow the database through making submissions and by helping to improve the tagging.

Do you have a collection of reference that you want to share? They want to hear from you.

With the 3k+ images it has already, its very useful. As the collection grows I can see this as being a very handy database for environment artists to use.

Nicely done Matt!


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