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Shacknews Spotlights Polycount

Shacknews took some time to spotlight Polycount and to chat with Adam

"Polycount has been home to a large number of video game artists, both professional and amateur, since 1998. Like Shacknews, Polycount has deep roots in Quake. The site was once known as Q2PMP..."

and more specifically Adam...

"While his personal portfolio increases with each passing day, one of Adam's biggest contributions is to Team Fortress 2. Polycount was at the ground floor of the Mann-conomy Update that saw TF2 move to the highly successful microtransaction model. Polycount accompanied the game's landscape shift by holding a contest for artists to design hats and weapons for what would be known as the Polycount Pack."

Check it out -> http://www.shacknews.com/article/75305/community-spotlight-polycount#

We are talking about it HERE


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