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In Memory of Michael Kuehl

Taken from Insomniac Games...

"Insomniac Games programmer Michael Kuehl passed away from injuries sustained during a February 12th traffic accident. He is survived by his wife, Kristen Kuehl. Michael previously worked at Electronic Arts and Infinity Ward in Los Angeles.

Michael was a loving husband to his wife and a loyal friend to all who knew him. He was kind, generous, intelligent, and wholly unique in his outlook on life. He was passionate about video games, his cats Wall-E and DK, Cornhusker football, and he never passed up the chance for a great steak."

Insomniac Games will be holding a memorial for Michael at the Marriott Convention Center in Burbank, California on Friday, February 24th. They have also set up a memorial fund which will go directly to Michael's family.

Read more about it and donate here: http://www.insomniacgames.com/michaelkuehl.html

With it's tight knit, "everyone knows everyone" nature, I have always thought of the game industry as a family of sorts. Even though I did not know Michael Kuehl personally, I feel like I have some sort of connection to him through that family, and I am deeply saddened by his passing. My respects go out to his family, and kudos to Insomniac for handling it so gracefully.


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