Have you ever had your normal maps just refused to behave no matter what you did? Alec Moody may have a workflow that can fix that.
He has posted a tutorial/explanation at 3D Motive on how to work with explicit or qualified normals when you are working with the UDK as the target and MAX as the weapon of choice. It might not fix your particular issue, but you would do well to absorb this information as it will probably affect you at some point.
Nonetheless, cool to see it written down so thoroughly!
I was really suprised!
Thank you!
in maya`s fbx export options i got the same export Tangets and Binormals option but im not sure if there is a way to enable qualified mode.
would baking with xnormal and exporting out of maya with this method cause a mismatch right.
but when i try to bake a box to test(in max 2012), i can't reach the same looking as the "Qualified Normals Test" file .
the one offered in the tutorial looks awesome(1 smooth group, uv stitched...)
Mio- your object up on 3dmotive and I will take a look.
This workflow is partially outdated now- Looks up the imported tangents workflow added to the july 2012 UDK build or check out handplane.