If this was realtime why didn't they show someone manipulating the camera in realtime? Because it's not realtime. It's probably running at 10fps and they've combined the frames back into a fake realtime movie. It also has no characters or motion of any kind. On current generation hardware this will be useful for visualizations and walkthroughs, but not interactive games.
@adam maybe not a complete year but from my point of view it was long time ago.. At that time that video was still fresh and they had working website This video is against original video enahnced about more "polygon" graphic.. nevermind it's quite old but good to remember
They developing advanced point cloud caching and filtering algorithms.. I don't know but would like to this [reduced pointcloud tesselation] combined with DX11 features.. This would be HELL A LOT OF DETAIL then, until thenone can dream
While the detail is very impressive, i'd need to see that running on a normal desktop to be really impressed. Also, it did not look like there was any complex lighting on the unlimited detail environments. Some of the polygon environments looked visually better to me
Also it's not just a question of being able to run more detailed models, if it takes a week to model 1 palm tree to that detail, it won't catch on for games.
This would be much better suited to architectural visualisations
Would be great, no need for baking tricks anymore. I hope this technology doesn't completely eliminate texturing, many tweaks and tricks are just a lot easier to do in textures than geometry. The way i see it used, you would make a high res model like you normally would , except you would also texture it, and than just give to their converter for chewing.
Маленькая австралийская компания Euclideon сделала громкое заявление, что разработала новую технологию рендеринга 3D-графики, которая якобы «в 100 000 раз лучше» ныне существующих. Они имеют в виду количество полигонов: их графический движок (конвертер полигонов) Unlimited Detail способен рендерить более 21 триллиона вокселов на 20 FPS с помощью программной трассировки лучей (рейтрейсинга).
It struggles with any non-grid layout it seems. It will never replace an artist in any case. You'll always need a human eye to get the best result. I can see it being handy as a supplementary tool, but a human touch will never be discarded.
Is this new technology capable of being compatible with some reasonable system of animation? Collision? Physics? Advanced materials and reflection? Post processing? More importantly, will content be a bitch to author for this technology? They didn't discuss these important things at all. Also helping not sell their point, this environment they've created looks utterly atrocious and inferior to every game they compared it to. Voxels have been around for years. No serious commercial modern game engine uses voxels because they are inferior to polygons in every aspect accept rendering detail.
Just wondering how much hell of a CPU, GPU and Ram will it require to run at least at 25FPS...
Should we even play games at all? Think about that and come back to me.
Also it's not just a question of being able to run more detailed models, if it takes a week to model 1 palm tree to that detail, it won't catch on for games.
This would be much better suited to architectural visualisations