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We might as well start this week off with a ReCap of last weeks astounding art.

Thanks to Marine for sifting through the monumental amount of awesome art you guys have posted. Thanks to SkudzAlmighty also for his use of the ContactUs button.

Onto the art!

Snefer's Sci-fi slum has been coming along nicely and check out the detail in the back of the drone. Thanks ScudzAlmighty for dropping us a line about this one.

Zpanzer posted his Marauder and collectively I think a few jaws hit the floor...

Rayph posted his take on Swamp Thing, I love the plastic rings, bottles and cans.

airage has shown off his hot looking sci-fi gun, the thing oozes style.

[HP] has been working on a high poly robot which is looking awesome.

JBird has posted a great looking jungle environment.

Rens and his facination with Halo has produced some amazing looking stuff, and in keeping with that tradition he continues.

Jarrede's scorekeeper.

Razorb is kicking around a killer cathedral concept, so awesome...

ENODMI's crazy awesome tank, can't wait for the character...

FirstKeeper's LilBob, the material and concept are amazingly well done. Looking forward to the video.

Dan! was working on his 2D skills and knocked this together, I love the Cheshire-esk cat.

jramauri's back at it again. This guy reminds me of a mix between Mr Lopart, The Penguin and Winston Churchill, all in good ways.

Alberto Rdrgz posted some WIP pics of his art deco scene, complete with creepy guy on a video screen.

Ahhh... Baj and his Mayan Warrior can't wait for the color, not that it needs it.

binopittan's 40k Stormsword tank, great WIP thread too.

Swizzle is rocking the old Hammerite Guard. I'm very much looking forward to seeing more of this. Psst ladies back off so he can finish...

You really need to check out X-Convict's art dump, its a mix of personal projects and Halo Reach models.

polygoo's vehicle he did for 2dawngames "Ravaged", those materials are amazing.


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