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Friday Re-Cap

Marine sent us the links to some of the great art that's been posted this week, thanks buddy! This is some awesome stuff, check it out


Minotaur0 posted his sleek and sexy Sci-Fi building.

popngear posted some great shots of his Walking Dead hospital tribute, it's still Work In Progress, but it's looking great so far. We should all keep an eye on this one.

papagersi has shown off some pretty awesome concepts... oh and this kick ass pirate bust.

I really like where Rumkugel is taking this one.

murph has some more stuff you need to check out in addition to this little guy who is creepy, cute and full of style.

JFletcher posted a Tauren warrior looking a little sad, maybe this will cheer him up? No? Buck up buttercup, it gets better.

build. is hungry for brink and it drove him to create this great sculpt.

illusion has an interesting shield sketch he's working on.

Crazyfool saw tangled, got inspired and dropped The stabblington brother(s) on us, I agree its a great movie with awesome style and he captured it really well.

peppi is working on some personal stuff for a workshop and it's looking great, awesome character!

jocz's Joker WIP is looking great, nice first impression!

paulsvoboda posted a Fire Hydrant, if you're going to do one, this is the "you must be this tall to ride the ride" sign.


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