There is no amount of schooling you could take or energy you could spend to match this individuals demo reel. Just stop now.
Dono's Demoreel is an exhibition in ability. That feeling you have right now, that feeling is jealousy.
[vimeo clip_id="19368587" height="" width="650"]
My housemate does a media production degree and has recently bought the Canon EOS 5D which is an awesome video camera. We were on a film shoot of his and the actor, completely in the dark about technology, asked us:
"So how does this Canon 5D work? Is that like, 5 dimensions or something?"
Gotta love what some people come out with!
It's from a French.
I'm full of shame right now.
lol I had a feeling this was some sort of joke from the image with the lens flare and everything
but reaching 20 dimensions is just like hatching the paper in your penicls color
knew it was cheesy from when the intro was popping slow giant text.
sucks that i'm fickle when it comes to being serious or humorous...if this is a joke, i'm not laughing.
Of course I've also laughed my ass off while watching it, though