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2010, the holidays, and Polycount

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20

Happy holidays everyone!

I just wanted to make a quick post and inform you that the Polycount Team will be taking some time off to visit family and friends over the coming holiday break. It's safe to say that News will be on a slow drip from now until the first week of January. In the mean time, there is a ton of badass videogame art being posted in our Pimping & Preview Forum that we know you'll find inspiring, helpful and down right great.

Before I head off here for the holidays I wanted to quickly talk about 2010. For Polycount, it's been a fantastic year. The new website launched in May along with the TF2 Polycount Pack - a huge success for everyone involved. The traffic to our site more than doubled, Valve ended up with some great items for Team-Fortress 2, the winners received huge cash surprises, and most importantly - our community came together like it has never done before to help each other and ensure the artwork created was the absolute best it could be. Of the 100+ item SETS (3 items or more) that Valve received, they said that half of them at least are high enough quality and creativity to be shipped some time. That's pretty great to hear.

Part of the big update to Polycount was what you're reading now - the News. Myself, and 2 or 3 others look out for and cook up posts as we find the time to do so. It's an addition to Polycount that I personally love and wanted to see well before I joined the Team. In 2011 we're hoping to have a more consistent flow of News for your guys to read, learn from and enjoy. One thing I've been emailed about often is submitting News to the Polycount Team. We currently have a system set up now where you can submit news to us directly. It's a feature that we'll push out in its entirety in the new year. For now, though, its the 'Contact Us' button found on the bottom menu of the site.

There's been a lot of growth at Polycount over the past year. The Community as a whole are growing as artists, and the Community itself is literally growing: From 20,000+ back in May of 2010 to where we are as I write this: 25,948 members of the Polycount Community. That's nearly 6,000 new registered artists - amazing.

On behalf of Drew, Ted, Seth, Vito, Emil, Ryan, Mark, the moderators and myself I wanted to say 'THANK YOU!' to you for helping us make 2010 an awesome year for Polycount. It was our 13th year - old-man years by internet standards - and we're happy to say it was our best yet.

Happy holidays!


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