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Planning, sculpting and presentation

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20

Inside we'll take a quick peek at a few things happening at three other 3D community sites: NextgenHardSurface, Game-Artist and ZBrushCentral.

Next Gen Hard Surface

There's a great planning thread on a UDK level by user Neolight. Thread's like these can be the most effective way of presenting your projects. It's how I do my posts, and not only does it help give the people reading your thread the most amount of information you can, it forces you to think out every last detail of your project. Whether its a character or an environment piece (or an effect, or an animation, or..) it pays to take the time to do your threads this way.


dzab has created a rather convincing HK416. Convincing to me, anyway, as I am by no means a gun expert. A lot of you enjoy weapons of this nature, so I am sure you'll dig dzab's thread.


In addition to some awesome hardsurface modeling, NGHS likes to conduct Interviews from time-to-time. This time around, they're speaking with Grant Warwick.

Could you tell us about your workflow, from concept to getting the model into an engine?

Depending on how complex a scene is I will prepare a rough mockup in photoshop, although most of the time I will just Wing it and start modeling with
no reference as its often not needed. I don't work in games so I have never had to deal with game engines however working in film has forced me to be very conscious of the cleanliness of a model and I always check for things that can get you elbowed in the head from producers like overlapping verts.



WesleyTack, an environment artist and member of Game-Artist.net, has posted up a video presentation of an environment of his. As mentioned above, proper consideration for how you present your art work is something all members of ANY community should consider. Simple image dumps with vague questions isn't enough these days. With technology and workflows constantly evolving, the more information we can receive the better. And what better way to present yourself than through motion, a video?






Tomstrzal hits the ZBC forum with these nuggets of sculpting magic. Now, I know you guys. I know you like your HIGH POLYS. High detailed, well crafted art work. But, what I like about these is they seemed sculpted for an artwork purpose, not for a baking or real-time purpose. Crafting for the sake of the art, rather than for the sake of the technical work flow is always refreshing. Have a look at a couple here before heading over for the real goods.


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