Unreal 3 engine can do some pretty things. Who knew?
Coming to an update near you, we're sure, are some fun updates to the Unreal engine. A number of the updates showcased in this video (released by Epic) have been in the UDK for a couple months now so consider this video a proper feature overview.
PS: Holy crap - did I just write a News post!?
The depth of field is so yummy!
Awesome updates. Still waiting on real HDR and AA tho...
Anyway, great tech as always!
I love the fact that UE keeps getting changes to the engine that 'betterfy' it. Imagine if it didn't change at all? It'd be horrible!!
they needed to stay focussed on the story but instead have in to making a half asses multiplayer shooter with cars and war of worlds >=P
im quite disapointed caus heres the facts
You can have any of the following 3 work out
*Beautiful graphics, Killer story, and Awesome gamplay
but in reality this is how it is
1. you can have a game with Beautiful graphics and killer story but with shitty game play
2. you can have a game with Killer story and awesome gameplay but with shitty graphics
3. you can have a game with awesome gameplay and Beautiful graphics but with shitty story
honestly i'd rather play epic's first unreal 1 back in the 1990's so i'd choose number 2.