I'm up late at my new studio in Singapore so I can share some of the goings on around the 3D community (Yes... This IS my blog!).
We have 2D and 3D art, tutorials, contests and BOOBIES!
So kick back, strap yourself in and enjoy the ride.
ZBrush Central
Being a huge fan of NBA, this amazing model of Kobe Bryant by ZBrush Central artist darkmummy blew me away. The accuracy and likeness is unbelievably faultless. Even the untextured version of the model holds up, which makes this a really solid likeness and a really solid model.
There are also a few shots with facial expressions which really shows the keen eye for detail by the artist.
Luxology Forums
Luxology, the creators of Modo recently ran a contest where the entrants had to create "Henning" (one of the Luxology Community members) as illustrated by Warner McGee (also a Luxology Community member) using their 3D package Modo. This made for a very interesting contest and with significantly varying entries.
They recently announced Greg Brown as the winner of the contest and it was much deserved. Take a moment to skim through his Work In Progress thread to see the character come to life with some very insightful information on techniques and processes used by the artist.
We'll take a short intermission and wonder over to CGSociety to check out some 2D paintings... Why CGSociety you ask? Aren't they pretentious scum? Well, yes! But there is a lot of talent over that way (but clearly not enough to even place in the Dominance War :P), and besides, their paintings have BOOBIES!
If you don't spend much time over at CGHUB, then there is something very wrong with you. The talent that comes from the artists there is mind boggling. Here are two new images that made the top page and be sure to trawl the rest of the site for more gems. But I warn you, you'll be there a while stocking up your inspiration/reference folder.
Game Artist.net
To conclude today's tour of the 3D community we stop the party train at Game Artist.net to visit a familiar friend PhilipK. If you don't remember, we featured his modular set tutorials a while back and now he's back with 8 unique material tutorials.
The tutorials focus on 3DS Max, Photoshop and ZBrush. Even if you don't use those particular packages, most of the techniques should translate just as well with your package of choice. They're free! So what have you got to lose.
Relevant links
Why post the Game Artist version instead of the Polycount? Do you get ad revenue for linking to the other sites or something?
Congratulations on your new job by the way.
NBA isn't really popular in Australia, I just dislike Australian sports :P
It was just a paragraph with a link to it. Your image with the materials will be more likely to attract people.