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Polycountin' E3 Media

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r13 founder

A couple of E3 trailers have been released that I know some polycounters have contributed to. If you got some more of the same; trailers, screenies, various medias.. drop us a note and I'd love to give it some front page loving.


In the mean time, the first one up is the new Rage trailer from id Software. They have a nice and grimy roller coaster of a video for you to peruse. This is definitely looking more like a real game now from the footage I'm watching. Two Dallas Area studios doing post apoc games tho... I bet there's interesting stories told at the Flying Saucer Bar.


The next up is the trailer for DC Universe Online, the persistent action adventure superhero game from Sony Online. I personally am liking this trailer the best so far of the offical media that been realesed as it shows off some of the actual combat in the game rather than some staged punch fests to show off characters.



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