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r13 founder


Howdy Folks!

Would you look at this place? It's all fancy and full of images and stuff. Plus!!! We're actually sitting comfortably in the .com finally. That's something that brings a tear to my eye still. I've wanted that for ten years.



Anyways, enough with my random gibberish. I'm Andrew Risch, or as most of you know me: rogue13 or just r13 as the tag says. I'm the founder, owner and proprietor of this fine green and black box of polygons and yes... I'm the person Adam works for. :)  I'm very happy to have him as a minion though! [Ed. - Yay!] He has worked miracles indeed. I wanted to take this chance to say thank you to him and the rest of the guys. It has been an interesting journey to say the very least. But it has brought us here; a fancy new site and doughnuts in the newsroom. I'll be once again be able to express myself through the medium of news posts. I hope you will enjoy our time together. We will be spending a lot of time together I can assure you. No hugs though. I don't know where you've been.

Where's Kub? Has he seen the doughnuts yet? I can't remember the last time we had doughnuts.

Heck I can't remember the last time we had a newsroom!

I wonder where all the Quake 2 models are?


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